

The language of Identity and Access Management (IAM) can be complex. Our glossary is designed to make it accessible to everyone. 

Access and Identity Management

The methods and processes used to manage subjects and their authentication and authorizations to access specific objects


Access control

The process of granting or denying specific requests for or attempts to: 1) obtain and use information and related information processing services; and 2) enter specific physical facilities


Air gap

To physically separate or isolate a system from other systems or networks (verb)



The process of finding, fixing, and preventing security vulnerabilities at the application level, as part of the software development processes


API (Application Processing Interface)

A set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate with each other


API Gateway

A server that acts as an intermediary between clients and backend services, providing features such as authentication, authorization, rate limit, monitoring, and logging



A unique identifier used to authenticate and authorize access on an API


Attack surface

The set of ways in which an adversary can enter a system and potentially cause damage



The process of formally verifying or confirming the accuracy, authenticity, or compliance of a statement, document, or assertion


Attribute Assertion

Information about a user's identity or attributes provided by an identity to service provider during the authentication process



The process of verifying the identity or other attributes of an entity (user, process, or device)



A process of determining, by evaluating applicable access control information, whether a subject is allowed to have the specified types of access to a particular resource

Backup and Recovery

The process of creating and maintaining backups of password manager data to prevent data loss


Basic Authentication

Basic Authentication is the simplest web-based authentication scheme that works by sending the username and password with each request


Bearer Token

An access token used by non-human clients to access or authenticate protected resources or APIs



A computer connected to the Internet that has been surreptitiously / secretly compromised with malicious logic to perform activities under remote the command and control of a remote administrator


Bot Identity

An identity assigned to a software robot or bot, typically used to automate tasks or interactions with systems


Browser Extension

A software component that extends the functionality of a web browser by adding features or capabilities



A fundamental unit of computer storage; the smallest addressable unit in a computer's architecture. Usually holds one character of information and usually means eight bits


Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) represents a modern software development and deployment practice aimed at streamlining the development process and ensuring the efficient, high-quality delivery of software applications


Client Credentials

Credentials used by non-human clients, such as applications or services, to authenticate and access protected resources


CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)

A security mechanism that allows web browsers to request resources from a different origin domain


Critical Infrastructure

The systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital to society that the incapacity or destruction of such may have a debilitating impact on the security, economy, public health or safety, environment, or any combination of these matters


Cyber Infrastructure

An electronic information and communications systems and services and the information contained therein



A malicious and deliberate attempt to breach the information system

Daemon Identity

An identity associated with a background process or service running on a computer system, often used for system maintenance, monitoring, or other administrative tasks


Data Breach

The unauthorized movement or disclosure of sensitive information to a party, usually outside the organization, that is not authorized to have or see the information



A collaborative data management practice focused on improving the communication, integration and automation of data flows between data managers and data consumers across an organization



Distributed Denial-of-Service - a cybercrime in which the attacker floods a target with internet traffic to prevent users from accessing connected online services and sites



To revoke the authentication of; to cause no longer to be authenticated



The process of transforming ciphertext into its original plaintext


Denial of Service

An attack that prevents or impairs the authorized use of information system resources or services



The combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an organization's ability to deliver applications and services



An approach to culture, automation, and platform design that integrates security as a shared responsibility throughout the entire IT lifecycle


Distributed Denial of Service

A denial of service technique that uses numerous systems to perform the attack simultaneously


Digital Certificate

A digital document used to certify the authenticity of a machine or identity, typically issued by a trusted certificate authority



Denial of Service


Dynamic Attack Surface

The automated, on-the-fly changes of an information system's characteristics to thwart actions of an adversary


Dynamic Secrets

Temporary credentials or keys generated on-demand by secrets managers in response to authentication questions


The process of encoding data in such a way that only authorized parties can access and decrypt it


Enterprise Risk Management

A comprehensive approach to risk management that engages people, processes, and systems across an organization to improve the quality of decision making for managing risks that may hinder an organization’s ability to achieve its objectives



The unauthorized transfer of information from an information system



A technique to breach the security of a network or information system in violation of security policy

Federated Identity

A mechanism that enables users to access multiple systems or services using a single set of credentials, typically managed by an identity provider



A capability to limit network traffic between networks and/or information systems


The distribution of mission-critical components or infrastructures across multiple geographic locations



Refers to the processes and policies used to manage identities, ensure compliance with regulations, and maintain control over user access and privileges



The level of detail in access control. Granular access control policies allow organizations to define fine-grained permissions for users and machines


Used to store and verify credentials like passwords by converting them into a fixed-size string of characters


The process of managing and provisioning an organization’s IT infrastructure using machine-readable configuration files, rather than employing physical hardware configuration or interactive configuration tools.


Identity and Access Management (IAM)

A framework for managing and controlling access to resources systems, and data based on the identities of users, machines, or services


Identity Broker

An intermediary service that facilitates federated authentication and authorization between identity and service providers


Identity Federation

The process of establishing trust relationships between identity and service providers to enable federated identity management


Identity Mapping

The process of correlating user identities across different domains or systems


Identity Provider (IdP)

A trusted entity responsible for authenticating users and issuing tokens or assertions that can be used across various services



Industrial Internet of Things - the collection of sensors, instruments and autonomous devices connected through the internet to industrial applications


Industrial Control System

An information system used to control industrial processes such as manufacturing, product handling, production, and distribution or to control infrastructure assets



The processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection



The process of connecting secrets managers with other systems, applications, or cloud services to automate the retrevial or use of secrets


Integrated Risk Management

The structured approach that enables an enterprise or organization to share risk information and risk analysis and to synchronize independent yet complementary risk management strategies to unify efforts across the enterprise


Intrusion Detection

The process and methods for analyzing information from networks and information systems to determine if a security breach or security violation has occurred

JWT (JSON Web Token)

A compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties, commonly used for secure authentication

Key Rotation

The process of regularly changing cryptographic keys or credentials to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access and improve security

Least Privilege

The principle of providing users, machines, or services with only minimal level of access necessary to perform their tasks

Machine Identity

A unique identifier attached to a machine or a device, typically consisting of cryptographic keys


Machine Learning Identity

An identity associated with a machine learning algorithm or model, used to authenticate or authorize access to data, resources, or computational resources


Machine-to-Machine Communication (M2M)

Communication between non-human entities, such as machines, devices, or applications, without direct human intervention


Master Password

A single, strong password used to encrypt and unlock the contents of a password manager or vault



A man-in-the-middle attack is a cyberattack where the attacker secretly relays and possibly alters the communications between two parties who believe that they are directly communicating


Multi-Factor Authentication

A security method that requires users or machines to provide two or more forms of authentication to access a system or application


National Institute of Standards and Technology


Non-human Identity (NHI)

A non-human identity refers to digital identities assigned to machines, applications, services, or other automated processes rather than individual users. These identities allow machines to authenticate and access resources securely, as in microservices or cloud applications

OAuth (Open Authorization)

Open Authorization standard - an open-standard authorization protocol or framework that provides applications the ability for secure designated access


OAuth 2.0

An authorization framework that enables secure access to resources over HTTP


On-prem (on-premises)

Refers to software that is installed and run on computers on the premises of the person or organization using the software, rather than at a remote facility such as a server farm or cloud


Operations Technology

The hardware and software systems used to operate industrial control devices


OpenID Connect

An identity layer built on top of OAuth 2.0 that provides authentication services for web and mobile applications


Over-provisioned Account

An over-provisioned account has more access privileges than necessary for its role or function. This creates a security risk, as the excess privileges could be exploited by attackers or lead to unintentional access to sensitive systems

Password Generator

A tool provided by password managers to create strong, randomized passwords that are difficult to guess or crack


Password Manager

A software tool or service designed to securely store, manage, and retrieve passwords or other sensitive information


Pen Test

A colloquial term for penetration test or penetration testing.



A proxy is an intermediary that routes requests between a client and a server, often used for security, logging, or anonymization


Public Key

A cryptographic key that may be widely published and is used to enable the operation of an asymmetric (public key) cryptographic algorithm


Public Key Infrastructure

A framework consisting of standards and services to enable secure, encrypted communication and authentication over potentially insecure networks such as the Internet


In workload management, a quota refers to the predefined limits set on resources that a user, machine, or application can access. For instance, quotas may restrict the number of API calls, storage usage, or the number of machines a user can provision within a cloud environment

Rate Limiting

A mechanism used to restrict the number of API requests a client can make within a specific time period


RBAC (Role-Based Access Control)

A method of access controls where permissions are assigned to roles, and users or entities are assigned to their roles


Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Identity

An identity assigned to a software robot or bot used for automating repetitive tasks or workflows

SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language)

An XML based standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between identity providers and service providers



A federal program that encourages small businesses to engage in research and development for solutions that could help the government and have potential for commercialization



A software development methodology that places security concerns first in planning and development



Any sensitive piece of information that should be protected from unauthorized access


Secret Rotation

The process of periodically updating secrets to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access or misuse


Secrets Manager

A centralized service or tool used to store, manage, or distribute sensitive information


Secret Versioning

The practice of maintaining multiple versions of secrets to facilitate rollback, auditing, and compliance requirements


Security Automation

The use of information technology in place of manual processes for cyber incident response and management


Service Account

An identity used by applications or services to authenticate and authorize their interactions with other services


Service Identity

A unique identifier assigned to a service platform or workload, typically associated with control policies


Service Provider

A system, application, or service that relies on an identity provider for authentication and authorization


Service-to-Service Authentication

Authentication mechanism used between services or applications to establish trust and securely exchange information


Single Sign-On (SSO)

A mechanism that allows users to authenticate once and gain access to multiple systems or services without needing to re-authenticate



Security Operations Center - an intelligence hub for the company, gathering data from across the organization's networks, servers, endpoints and other digital assets and using intelligent automation to identify, prioritize and respond to potential cybersecurity threats



Secure Shell (SSH) keys are cryptographic keys used for secure remote access to machines or systems



The process of synchronizing data between multiple devices or platforms to ensure consistency or accessibility

TLS (Transport Layer Security)

A cryptographic protocol that provides secure communication over a computer network


TLS / SSL Certificate

Transport Layer Security or Secure Sockets Layer certificates provide secure communication over a network by encrypting data transmitted between machines



A piece of data used for authentication or authorization, typically issued by an identity provider or authentication service


Trust Relationship

A mutual agreement or configuration between identity providers and service providers that establish trust and enables federated identity management


Two-Factor Authentication

An authentication method that requires user to provide two forms of verification to access an account or system

Universal Identity and Access Management (IAM)

A unified approach to identity and access management that spans multiple environments, platforms, and services. This can also unify user and non-human identities. It enables organizations to manage identities and access controls consistently across on-premises, cloud, and hybrid environments, providing seamless identity lifecycle management and access governance


A secure repository or container used to store and manage sensitive information, such as passwords, cryptographic keys, certificates, and API tokens


Vulnerability Assessment and Management

In the NICE Framework, cybersecurity work where a person conducts assessments of threats and vulnerabilities, determines deviations from acceptable configurations, enterprise or local policy, assesses the level of risk, and develops and/or recommends appropriate mitigation countermeasures in operational and non-operational situations.


A specific task, application, or process running on a machine or within a computing environment, often associated with cloud based or distribution systems


A standard defining the format of public key certificates. These certificates are used in cryptographic systems (like SSL/TLS) to securely verify identities through a trusted certificate authority (CA)


X.509 Certificate

A digital certificate that uses the X.509 standard to authenticate the identity of machines, applications, or users. It contains a public key, identity information, and is signed by a trusted certificate authority (CA)

Zero Trust

A cybersecurity approach that assumes no trust by default, requiring continuous verification and authentication of users, devices, and applications before granting access to resources